Letter F

Letter F storytime is fascinatingly fantastic!


We read Jump, Frog, Jump by Robert Kalan and Swim! Swim! by Lerch.

I was initially skeptical about Swim! Swim! but reading it at storytime changed my mind.  The kids liked the goofy fish and the things he didn’t know and the theme enabled us to talk about another F word: friendship.  Jump, Frog, Jump is good.  The kids quickly caught on to the pattern and helped me say, “Jump, frog, jump.”


I had felt animals and a big barn that I’ve used for other flannelboard songs and stories, so I cobbled them together and we sang “The Animals on the Farm,” sung to the tune of “The Wheels on the Bus.”  Here’s a sample verse:

The cow on the farm goes, “Moo moo moo.  Moo moo moo.  Moo moo moo.”
The cow on the farm goes, “Moo moo moo,” all around the yard.

Substitute your various farm animals and the sounds they make and repeat ad nauseum.


We listened to “Hurry Hurry Drive the Firetruck!” by the Old Town School of Folk Music.  I couldn’t find an exact copy on the web of this version, but here is Jbrary’s version which is just as awesome (but not quite as fast).


We made fish out of the letter F.  

I think this craft is A-DOOOOOOOR-ABLE.  Cute and easy.  I have been lamenting the fact that we haven’t done any process art in a while though.  It will be coming soon.