Lyrics to Virtual Baby Bounce songs and rhymes 5/6/2021

Hi friends! You can find all the lyrics to the songs and rhymes performed in this Virtual Baby Bounce below. Any song with an individual video has a hyperlinked title.

The Good Morning Train:

The Good Morning Train is coming
How are you? Choo-choo!
The Good Morning Train is coming
How are you? Choo-choo!
The Good Morning Train is coming
The Good Morning Train is coming
The Good Morning Train is coming
How are you? Choo-choo!


Pat-a-cake, pat-a-cake
Baker’s man
Bake me a cake as fast as you can
Roll it and pat it
And mark it with a B
And put it in the oven for baby and me!

Apples and Bananas:

I like to eat, eat, eat
Apples and bananas
I like to eat, eat, eat
Apples and bananas
I like drink, drink, drink
Milk and water
I like to drink, drink, drink
Milk and water
I want more, more, more
Please and thank you
I want more, more, more
Please and thank you

On My Foot:

On my foot there is a flea
Now it’s climbing up on me
Past my belly, past my nose
On my head where my hair grows
On my head there is a flea
Now it’s climbing down on me
Past my belly, past my knee
On my foot, take that! you flea!

My Scarf Has Four Corners:

My scarf it has four corners
Four corners has my scarf
If it did not have four corners
It would not be my scarf

Verse 2: My cape
Verse 3: My pillow

Wishy Washy Washerwoman:

Way down in the valley where nobody goes
Lives a wishy washy washerwoman washing her clothes
She goes Oo-ahhhh, oo-ahhh, oo-ahhh, oo-ahhh
And that's how the wishy washy washerwoman washes her clothes

Way down in the valley where nobody goes
Lives a wishy washy washerwoman drying her clothes
She goes Oo-ahhhh, oo-ahhh, oo-ahhh, oo-ahhh
And that's how the wishy washy washerwoman dries her clothes

Way down in the valley where nobody goes
Lives a wishy washy washerwoman folding her clothes
She goes Oo-ahhhh, oo-ahhh, oo-ahhh, oo-ahhh
And that's how the wishy washy washerwoman folds her clothes

Wibbleton to Wobbleton:

From Wibbleton to Wobbleton is fifteen miles
From Wobbleton to Wibbleton is fifteen miles
From Wibbleton to Wobbleton
From Wobbleton to Wibbleton
From Wibbleton to Wobbleton is fifteen miles

Hot Cross Buns:

Hot cross buns, hot cross buns
One a penny, two a penny
Hot cross buns

Miss T Taps with One Hammer:

Miss T taps with one hammer
One hammer, one hammer
Miss T taps with one hammer
Can she tap with two?

[Repeat until Miss T taps with 5 hammers!]

Oatmeal in the Pot:

Oh I’m stirring up some oatmeal in the pot
Oh I’m stirring up some oatmeal in the pot
Oh it smells so good, just like I knew it would
Oh I’m stirring up some oatmeal in the pot

The Milkshake song:

Pour a little milk. Pour some milk.
Pour a little cream. Pour some cream.
Stir it all up. You shake it and you sing:
Milkshake, milkshake
Shake it up, shake it up
Milkshake, milkshake
Shake it all up!
Milkshake, milkshake
Shake it up, shake it up
Milkshake, milkshake
Shake it all up!

The More We Get Together:

The more we get together
Together, together
The more we get together
The happier we'll be
Cause your friends are my friends
And my friends are your friends
The more we get together
The happier we'll be